NEPA - Recipients

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969

All projects receiving financial assistance from DOE must be reviewed under NEPA. The first step in DOE's NEPA review process requires financial assistance recipients to submit information to DOE regarding the potential environmental impacts of the project receiving DOE funds.

Submit NEPA Documents Online

NOTE: All NEPA users must create an Applicant-Recipient Sign in account for this web site. It is important that the new account be created using the same email address as previous EQ-1 NEPA Environmental submissions were created with. If another email address is used, previous submissions will not be accessible.

NEPA Resources

For General Information About the DOE NEPA Process, Contact:

U.S. Department of Energy
Golden Field Office
Phone: 720-356-1800 -- Ask to be directed to a member of the NEPA Division

NEPA Compliance Tracking

Track NEPA Compliance deteminations using the NEPA Dashboard

NEPA Compliance Dashboard

Track NEPA Environmental Questionnaire submissions and drill down into the data by fiscal year and state to the individual Environmental Questionaire, EQ-1. submissions, EQ-2 Reviews and ND Final Determinations.


Image of a horizon with mountains, from the Golden Field Office website.

The Golden Field Office Reading Room

The Golden Field Office Reading Room contains electronic documents that were created after November 1, 1996, per the requirements of the Electronic Freedom of Information Act Amendment of 1996. This includes Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) documents and Golden's eFOIA online request form.