EERE's Project Management Center (PMC) administers and manages energy efficiency and renewable energy options for our nation’s energy portfolio. Consisting of two components, the Golden Field Office and the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), the PMC works to ensure that U.S. industry captures the lion’s share of that market and to encourage public and private entities to deploy the technologies.
The PMC collaborates with small and large companies, universities, public agencies, state and local government, and non-profit organizations in cost-shared research and development (R&D) projects to develop and advance cutting-edge technologies into the marketplace. The PMC has active contracts and agreements in every state and in several foreign countries that are funded through DOE financial assistance instruments such as grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. The total value of these projects, including cost share by recipients, is in the billions of dollars.
The following pages contain excellent resources for locating energy efficiency and renewable energy business and funding opportunities.
Also, those seeking grants may want to increase their "competitive edge" by taking a grant writing course. Here are a few online tutorials: